Conservation area
There is a problem
- 87 entries must have valid URIs
- reference
- DCO50
- name
- designation-date
- 1990-11-29
- document-url
- documentation-url
- geometry
- MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.077721 50.184445,-5.077739 50.184436,-5.077631 50.184406,-5.077350 50.184266,-5.077281 50.184248,-5.077154 50.184232,-5.077080 50.184300,-5.076854 50.184475,-5.076672 50.184518,-5.076643 50.184453,-5.076579 50.184380,-5.076454 50.184280,-5.076346 50.184214,-5.076194 50.184136,-5.076165 50.184118,-5.076174 50.184108,-5.076155 50.184097,-5.076143 50.184105,-5.075954 50.183996,-5.076041 50.183928,-5.076219 50.183758,-5.076147 50.183744,-5.076095 50.183784,-5.076075 50.183778,-5.076036 50.183809,-5.075940 50.183778,-5.075853 50.183764,-5.075759 50.183775,-5.075633 50.183815,-5.075137 50.183677,-5.075013 50.183827,-5.074954 50.183922,-5.075102 50.183971,-5.075122 50.184023,-5.075156 50.184041,-5.075278 50.184081,-5.075235 50.184153,-5.075463 50.184207,-5.075819 50.184342,-5.076098 50.184430,-5.076173 50.184471,-5.076195 50.184497,-5.076287 50.184538,-5.076351 50.184578,-5.076295 50.184596,-5.076318 50.184627,-5.076099 50.184849,-5.075917 50.184763,-5.075877 50.184826,-5.075975 50.185078,-5.075858 50.185202,-5.076240 50.185315,-5.076194 50.185337,-5.076105 50.185467,-5.075994 50.185605,-5.075943 50.185643,-5.075796 50.185815,-5.076082 50.185893,-5.076050 50.185962,-5.075987 50.185979,-5.075933 50.186073,-5.075898 50.186118,-5.075833 50.186147,-5.075577 50.186046,-5.075454 50.186159,-5.075258 50.186360,-5.075627 50.186494,-5.075904 50.186576,-5.076155 50.186279,-5.076131 50.186268,-5.076141 50.186257,-5.076187 50.186250,-5.076441 50.186359,-5.076452 50.186372,-5.076480 50.186430,-5.076512 50.186529,-5.076532 50.186654,-5.076530 50.186728,-5.076498 50.186807,-5.076689 50.186829,-5.076784 50.186809,-5.076965 50.186789,-5.077047 50.186788,-5.077060 50.186914,-5.077381 50.186920,-5.077469 50.186790,-5.077500 50.186767,-5.077800 50.186829,-5.078019 50.186407,-5.077928 50.186387,-5.077901 50.186366,-5.078448 50.186117,-5.078651 50.186004,-5.078765 50.185962,-5.078801 50.185925,-5.078820 50.185916,-5.079063 50.185835,-5.079131 50.185806,-5.079181 50.185774,-5.079067 50.185715,-5.078947 50.185624,-5.078816 50.185565,-5.078786 50.185512,-5.078275 50.185283,-5.078091 50.185154,-5.078044 50.185129,-5.077935 50.185104,-5.077827 50.185091,-5.077370 50.185066,-5.077382 50.185028,-5.077461 50.184887,-5.077491 50.184807,-5.077502 50.184809,-5.077533 50.184742,-5.077604 50.184653,-5.077727 50.184534,-5.077635 50.184502,-5.077721 50.184445)))
- point
- POINT (-5.076985 50.185502)
- notes
- organisation
- entry-date
- 2024-09-10
- start-date
- 1990-11-29
- end-date
How to fix this issue
Your dataset is missing the documentation-url column.
The Conservation area guidance explains how to fix the issue:
The URL of the webpage on your website that introduces the document.
Each document should be linked to from a documentation webpage that includes a short description of the data and the document you’re linking to. Each conservation area should have a unique URL. This means you can create a separate page for each one, or you could list several on one page. If you do that, there must be a separate anchor (fragment identifier) for each one. This means each section of your page should have its own URL. Most publishing systems will allow you to use a hashtag to create the identifiers for each conservation area you list - as in the examples shown.
One conservation area per page:
More than one conservation area per page with an anchor link for each one:
How to improve Cornwall Council’s data
- Fix the errors indicated
- Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
- Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL